Sunday in person worship at 10:30 or tune in live on Facebook .

Rev. tyler smith


Tyler is a native Vermonter who came to faith in Jesus Christ through his home church in Middlebury. He began to sense a call to ministry in college while serving in the St. Lawrence University chapter of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. Tyler attended Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield Illinois to earn a Masters of Divinity, intending to pursue cross-cultural ministry or international missions. To his surprise, the Lord led him back to the mission field of Vermont, where he was called to serve as the pastor of Georgia Plain Baptist Church in 2015. He was ordained in the American Baptist Church in 2017.

Tyler has been married to his wife Meg since 2009, and together they are parents of four young children. When not pastoring or parenting, Tyler enjoys playing music, reading books, building things, and being outside.

Here to help

Pastor Tyler is here to serve both members of the church and members of the wider community. If you would like prayer, counseling, or conversation, please contact Pastor Tyler to set up a time to meet.



Office: (802) 524-5348