God designed the family to be the ideal system for growing faith in our kids. This passage tells us how that system works best.
Children: Obey and honor your parents.
Parents: Treat your kids the way God treats you.
God designed the family to be the ideal system for growing faith in our kids. This passage tells us how that system works best.
Children: Obey and honor your parents.
Parents: Treat your kids the way God treats you.
God designed marriage to reflect a greater reality: the love between Jesus and his people.
Let your marriage reflect the gospel.
God's beautiful design for the first human relationship--a marriage--shows us the deep need we have for relationship. His design for marriage has 4 important components: companionship, complementarity, loyalty and intimacy.
Only through knowing the love of Jesus, who is the perfect Husband to his people, the Church (Eph 5:25-33) your marriage can be what God intended.
Proverbs 17:17, 18:24, 20:5, 27:6, 9, 17, 25:17, 27:14, 17:9
You were made for deep, soul-level friendship. A friend like this sticks with you, speaks into you, respects you, and protects your friendship.
All true friendships point to Jesus, the ultimate friend, who showed us that "greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friend" (John 15:13).
Love God first and you will love others most
There is nothing greater than self-giving love. Therefore, the best thing you can do in your life is to learn self-giving love. Where do you learn it? From God, who is the essence of love (1 John 4:16). Every relationship in your life is a training ground for you to learn God's way of self-giving love.
A good definition of love is "The commitment of my will to your needs and best interests, regardless of the cost."
Christianity is not about "behavior modification." It's about a whole new motivation for doing what's right. When you believe in Jesus, God says you are chosen, holy, and dearly loved. Live out of that reality. Only a knowledge of God's deep love for you will enable you to love others.
Because Jesus ascended to heaven and sent his Holy Spirit, there is more of him in the world now than ever. Because he ascended to take his rightful throne, he is Lord over all.
Jesus reveals to us that in Christianity there is no such thing as a general, abstract understanding of God. Through Jesus' real, resurrected body, we learn that he can bring us peace in our lives, hope for the physical world, and a real message that the world needs to hear.
In this story, the risen Jesus encounters two disciples personally. He explains that the whole Bible is about him. Jesus still encounters people today through his Word, the Bible.
When you encounter the risen Jesus, you move from confusion to clarity, from despair to hope, and from purposelessness to mission. He sets your heart on fire.
The resurrection of Jesus provides the power for our forgiveness, the power for our transformation, and hope to hold on to.
Stop trying to prove your goodness to God and accept goodness from God. That's "justification by faith."
The Gospel is not advice to follow but news about what God has done through Jesus to forgive your sins.
God calls us to practice extraordinary integrity, extraordinary prayer, and extraordinary relationships
“Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” James 5:16
-Find at least one person you can go deep enough with to confess your sin
Learn how to patiently wait for Jesus to make things right
“See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop, patiently waiting for the autumn and spring rains. You too, be patient and stand firm, because the Lord’s coming is near.”
James 5:7-8
-In what ways do you make your goal “luxury and self-indulgence” (5:5) rather than trust in God?
James 4: 11-17; Leviticus 19: 16-18
Get down from your tower of judging others and boasting about your plans, and let God be God
“There is only one Lawgiver and Judge...” James 4:12a
-Pray the words of Psalm 131
God wants you. How much do you want him?
“Or do you think that Scripture says without reason that he jealously longs for the spirit he caused to dwell in us? But he gives us more grace.” James 4:5-6a
-What are your deepest desires? In what ways do you try to satisfy them outside God’s will?