Higher Thoughts | Isaiah 55:8+9
Please note, the reading of the scripture isn't included in the video this week. You may read the passage by clicking on the reference above or Mr. Wells reads it in the context of his message.
Intercession: Privilege & Power | Genesis 18:16-33
When Jesus is your Great High Priest, you have the privilege and power to intercede for others
God of the Impossible | Genesis 18:1-15
How Do You Know You Are in God's Family? | Genesis 17:1-27
Please note because of technical difficulties, the reading of scripture is not included in the audio or video of the message this week. By clicking on the scripture reference above you may read or listen to the scripture on biblegateway.com
How to Make a Mess ( And How to Avoid It) | Genesis 16
Oops, the Scripture reading and the very beginning of the sermon are missing. Sorry for the inconvenience. You may listen to the reading and the 1st part of the sermon on the audio above.
Thank you for your understanding. May the Lord bless you!
What Did We Wake Up To? | Matthew 13:24-30
Three Markers of Real Faith | Genesis 15:1-21
Counterfeit Blessings | Genesis 14
Gospel Delivery | Romans 10:1-15 & Interview with Carlos & Susanne Tejada
Children's Day | No Sermon
Our message this week was sharing by Sunday School Classes about what they learned this past year, therefore no sermon to share.