We were blessed this past week with a visit from Teen Challenge VT. They ministered to us with song and testimony. Due to technical difficulties a video is not available this week.
Remaining in Jesus | John 15:1-17
We welcomed our dear friend, Rev. Peter Anderson to the Pulpit today, as Pastor Smith is on vacation.
Everything is Going to be Okay | Genesis 45:16 - 47:31
Redeeming Power | Genesis 43:1 - 45:15
Check Your Baggage | Genesis 42
God's Servant, Exalted to Save | Genesis 41
Don't Lose Heart | Genesis 40 | Rev. Tyler Smith
How to Thrive When Life Isn't Fair | Genesis 39 \ Rev. Tyler Smith
Fiasco | Genesis 38 | Rev. Tyler Smith
God's Way - God's Will | Genesis 37 | Don Wells
Nothing Else Matters | 1 Corinthians 15:12-20
Knowing Christ through Suffering | 2 Corinthians 12:1-10, Philippians 3:10-11
Meeting Jesus | Acts 9:1-19 |
How Much is Jesus Worth to You | Philippians 3:4b - 14
Please note: Due to technical difficulties the Scripture reading is note on the audio or video this week. If you would like to listen to the passage, click on the link below and when you get to the passage, select audio.
Season Finale: Happily Ever After-ish | Genesis 35
Episode 9: A Shrug or a Sword | Genesis 33:18 -34:31
Faith Shaping Technology | Exodus 24:12-18, Luke 4:14-22, Matthew 6:1-18
Harold Vance, lay preacher from Fairfax, VT gave us our message this week.