The Keeper | Psalm 121 | Rev. Peter Anderson
We welcomed our friend Rev. Peter Anderson to the pulpit this morning.
The recordings do not include the Scripture reading this morning, due to a technical difficulty. You may access the reading by selecting the reference below.
Work and Profit | Acts 16:16-34 | Pastor Micah Thompson
Following Jesus in Death | Ecclesiastes 12:1-8 | Rev. Tyler Smith
A Rehearsal for Heaven | Revelation 22:1-5 | Rev. Tyler Smith
The Holy Spirit and Worship | Rev. Tyler Smith
There wasn’t a specific Bible reading today. If you would like to read the Scriptures Rev. Smith referred to in this message you may go to:
Jesus is the Open Door | Hebrews 10:19-25 | Rev. Tyler Smith
He Has Triumphed | Revelation 5:1-14 | Rev. Tyler Smith
Jesus the True Temple | John 2:13-22 | Rev. Tyler Smith
Israel's Worship | Leviticus 16:1-19 | Rev. Tyler Smith
Worship East of Eden | Genesis 4:1-16 | Rev. Tyler Smith
God's Garden | Mark 4:26-34 | Mr. Don Wells
The Song of Creation | Psalm 148 | Rev. Tyler Smith
The Story of His Glory | Rev. Tyler Smith
We don’t have specific scriptures listed this week, but Pastor did reference several in message. If you would like to search for them on line you can go to this link:
This is the image referenced throughout this week’s message.
The Making of a True Worshiper | John 4:1-26 | Rev. Tyler Smith
O Sing, My Soul | Psalm 103:1-5, John 4:23-24, Romans 12:1, Colossians 3:15-17
No Message this week. We had a Praise and Prayer service.
We’ll be back next week, starting a new sermon series.
A New Way to Think About Work | Rev. Tyler Smith | February 3, 2019
We apologize for the missing first few seconds of this message, due to technical difficulties. Be assure the full context of this message is here.
Rev. Smith used several Scriptures in this message. If you would like to read them you can access them on