Sermon begins at 28:35
Problems = Opportunities
Scripture reading/Sermon begins at 18:30
Calling All Dreamers
Sermon begins at 17:22
A Glimpse of Heaven
Sermon begins at 25:50
Why I Believe in Hell (Even Though I Don't Want To) | Mark 9:43-48
Sermon begins at 26:45
Good News - Judgment Day is Coming | Revelation 20:11-15
Sermon begins at 35:00
"God's Standard and Christ's Sacrifice" - Dennis Laughlin
Sermon begins at 24:20
If Jesus Had Not Been Raised
Sermon begins at 36:30
Who Are You Looking For? | John 20:1-18
Sermon begins at 27:57
An Extravagant Sacrifice | Mark 14:1-11
To view video please click link below: sermon begins at 27:25
Jesus is Coming: Are You Ready? | Matthew 24:30-44
Sermon begins at 30:00
"Communion: Tasting the Gospel" | Luke 22:14-20
Sermon starts at 37:05
Focus On Jesus | Hebrews 12:1-2
Sermon begins at 29:50
Baptism A Picture of the Gospel
Sermon starts at 19:10
I’m Adopted | Romans 8:14-17
The sermon begins at 32:35
Conversion: Measuring the Miracle | Acts 16:11-15
Justified by Faith | Romans 3:20-28
The Atonement | Romans 3:21-26
Sermon starts at 24:45
Bad News | Romans 5:12 & Romans 7:18-19
Sermon starts at 24:00. Video is missing audio from 49:14 - 55:42 and 56:10-25:25. A complete audio recording of the sermon is below.
Made in the Image of God | Genesis 1:26-28; Colossians 3:5-10
Scripture reading on the video begins at 26:30