"In God We Trust: Wisdom for Money" | Misc Proverbs
There was an unfortunate gap in the audio during the sermon this week. In the video version will notice a space of no audio, and on the audio/podcast version you will notice it jumps where the dead space was cut out.
Wisdom for Friendship | Misc Proverbs
Hearing Aids: How to Listen Wisely | Misc Proverbs
After the pause in the video during our Missions Moment, the worship service continues at the 34:38 mark.
How to Speak Wisely | Proverbs 18:21
Sermon starts at 40:28. Apologies for gaps in audio on the video.
Choose Wisely | Proverbs 9:1-19
Sermon begins at 22:19.
Mike & Mary's Bluegrass Gospel Sing
The King's Wedding Banquet | Matthew 22:1-14
Handle With Care: Wisdom For Sexuality | Excerpts from Proverbs 5-7
The Wisdom of Trusting God Completely | Proverbs 3:1-10
The Path of Wisdom | Proverbs 2:1-22
Proverbs - A Master Class of Life | Proverbs 1:1-7
Let The Children Come To Me | Mark 10:13 - 16
A Plea For Unity | Ephesians 4:1-6
Ask the Lord of the Harvest | Matthew 9:35-38
Sermon begins at 28:35
Problems = Opportunities
Scripture reading/Sermon begins at 18:30
Calling All Dreamers
Sermon begins at 17:22
A Glimpse of Heaven
Sermon begins at 25:50
Why I Believe in Hell (Even Though I Don't Want To) | Mark 9:43-48
Sermon begins at 26:45
Good News - Judgment Day is Coming | Revelation 20:11-15
Sermon begins at 35:00