Rest For the Weary | Matthew 11:28-30
Your Work is Not in Vain | Genesis 3:17-19; Ecclesiastes 2:17-23
Your Calling and Your Work | Various Scriptures
Faith & Work Testimonies
Your Work Matters | Various Scriptures
The Two Paths | Psalm 1
It's Not Complicated | Romans 10: 5-13
Part 1
Part 2
The Way Up is Down | Philippians 2:5-11
Good News for Inadequate People | Exodus 3:10-4:17
The Strange Case of the Burning Bush | Exodus 3:1-12
The Making of a Savior | Exodus 2:1-25
The Power of Evil vs. The Promise of God | Exodus 1:1-22
Salvation Story | Exodus 6:6-8
God's Call to Kentucky - Roy and Tina Rabideau
Axiom 7: Living in Love Takes Practice | Ephesians 5:1-2; Luke 9:1-2
Axiom 6: The Goal is Union With God | John 17:20-26
The first part of our service was not captured due to an internet outage.