Testimonies and Presentation from Vt Teen Challenge
Teen challenge is a Christ-centered recovery ministry for men. You can support this important ministry or learn more here.
*The men sing two songs in their presentation. The sound does not come through in the video for only the first song.
Capital Offences of the Heart | Matthew 5:21-30
Pull up your sin by the roots.
A Different Goodness | Matthew 5:17-20
Where does your goodness come from?
Different, Salty, Bright | Matthew 5:13-16
If you are a disciple of Jesus, know this: people are waiting for the difference that only you can bring them.
Belonging and Believing
The church is a family where you can belong in order to believe.
Scriptures: Mark 3:31-35; John 1:12-13; Psalm 68:6
Pleasure, Work and Wisdom Just Won't Cut It | Ecclesiastes 1:12-2:26
Guest speaker, B.J. Walters (Pastor of Redeeming Grace Church in Georgia, VT)
A Different Definition of the Good Life | Matthew 5:1 - 12
Hear Him, Trust Him, Follow Him | Matthew 4:12-25
The 11th Commandment \ Luke 9:35
Same Work, New Reason | Ephesians 6: 5-9
When you become a "slave of Christ," you are free to work for a new reason and a different reward.
Who's Your Hero? | Philippians 2:1-11
Jesus perfectly lived out the kind of humility we need in order to love people. Make him your hero.
Four Questions | John 1:35-42
Rethink Church | Acts 2:42-47
In this passage about the origins of the Christian Movement known as the Church, we are invited to rethink the way we "do church" today.
(No audio recording this Sunday)
Worship and Prayer Service - No Sermon
The Lord's Prayer: Matthew 6:9-13; Luke 11:2-4
We pray "The Lord's Prayer" almost every week. But even more than a prayer to pray, this prayer that Jesus taught his disciples is a model for all prayer.
This Sunday we used the Lord's Prayer line-by-line as a guide for praying for ourselves, our church, our community, and the world.
Called Together | Mark 3:13-19
When Jesus calls you, he says: "Come be with me", "Go for me," and "You're in this together"
How will you respond?
Lop-sided Love | Matthew 5:43-48
Take after your Father in heaven by showing your enemies one-way love
The Gate | John 10:7-10
What does it mean that Jesus says, "I am the gate"?
Strangely Good Citizens | 1 Peter 2:11-17
What does the Bible teach us about being citizens of our country? The Christians Peter wrote to were a misunderstood minority in their Roman culture--something that Christians in VT can relate to more and more. What he told them applies equally to us:
Be a strangely good citizen for Jesus' sake.
Peace for Parents | Philippians 4:6-7
Convert your worries into prayers and run into the arms of God.