Humility Before God | John 13:1-11 | Rev. Dale Edwards
Today we welcomed Rev. Dale Edwards, Region Minister of the American Baptist Churches Vermont and New Hampshire to the Pulpit.
The Case for Confession | Psalm 32 | Rev. Tyler Smith
Testimony by Mike Johnson
If you would like to access scripture passages Mike mentioned in this testimony you may do so through the link below.
Thy Kingdom Come | Various Scriptures | Mr. Don Wells
Mr. Wells referenced several scriptures. You can access them at
Praise: the Delightful Duty | Psalm 150 | Rev. Tyler Smith
God's Celebration | Psalm 100 | Rev. Tyler Smith
American Idols: Self | Judges 17 | Rev. Tyler Smith
Sabbath Rest: Why? How? | Exodus 20:8-10, Hebrews 4:9-10 | Rev. Tyler Smith
American Idols: Busyness | Luke 10:38-42 | Rev. Tyler Smith
American Idols: Family | Luke 14:25-33 | Rev. Tyler Smith
American Idols: Stuff and Money | Luke 12:13-21, Hebrews 13:5 | Rev. Tyler Smith
Give Credit Where Credit is Due | Numbers 20:1-13 | Rev. Peter Anderson
American Idols | Jeremiah 2:1-28 | Rev. Tyler Smith
Reflection: How is Your Relationship with God? | Matthew 22:36-40
In God We Trust ?? | Mr. Don Wells
We didn’t have a Scripture reading this week. If you would like to read the references that Mr. Wells used you may go to